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Quality Characteristics
Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over 12 months ago

This resource is designed to help you translate your knowledge into an engaging, actionable, and high-quality course. In this guide, we will list a few common characteristics of what constitutes a quality Seably course.

A Quality Seably Course Always has:

  • Well-organized content.

  • A clear value proposition.

  • Compelling and visually dynamic.

Well-Organized Content

Great instruction requires a great structure. Courses must be based upon a lesson plan or course outline.

  • The student can get a grasp of what he/she is about to learn while looking at the lesson overview.

  • The course includes clear lesson titles and descriptions.

  • Lesson sequences demonstrate progress.

  • The questions are simple and easy to understand - even though the subject might be complex.

A Clear Value Proposition

The course includes clear titles, takeaways, and have a clear target audience.

  • A clear course title, course description, and intro text that identify who the course is intended for.

  • The first step in the course includes an introductory text that includes “problem-solution” framing.

  • Always share value. You should exemplify your expertise through; best practices, working frameworks, and relevant examples.

  • Actionable - As a course author, you situate insights in a wider context. Students are empowered with strategies, examples, and context, not just step-by-step instructions without reasoning behind. With your content, they learn how to do a new kind of thing.

  • Make sure your course delivers what it promises.

Compelling and Visually Dynamic

It’s important with great visuals to keep the student engaged. Use varied visuals and use relevant images and illustrations.

  • Visuals varied and feel cohesive at the same time.

  • Use relevant images and illustrations, preferably featuring authentic scenarios and environments.

  • The course has a motivational style.

  • The visuals are high-res and meet standards for image- and A/V quality.

Also remember to read our Quality Checklist, Exemplary Courses, and our Dos and Don'ts, resourses to assist you in ensuring your Course lives up to our standards and quality.

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