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Quality Checklist
Aprille Reyes avatar
Written by Aprille Reyes
Updated over 12 months ago

When a Course is sent in for reviewing a fixed set of items will be checked to ensure quality. The following checklist, when used as a reference, will assist you in ensuring a Course meets our standards and quality.


  • Is correct knowledge being provided?

  • Are any links provided in the Course? If so, are they relevant? If regulations/ circulars, are they the latest? Do they lead to the correct location?

  • Are there any spelling mistakes?

  • Is the language used inside the Course of a good level and understandable?

  • Does the Course Structure seem logical?

  • Does every lesson go through a specific topic?

  • Do you have an Introduction step? (recommended)

  • Heve you written the lesson descriptions? (recommended)

  • Are the steps too long or too short?


  • Is the Content easy to read?

  • Is the Content understandable keeping in mind seafarers of various ranks?

  • Is the Content relevant to the target audience?

  • Does it cover what is stated in the lesson descriptions and in the step title?

  • Does the paragraph handle one specific topic?

  • Bullet points: Are they short? At least three bullets? and lists are not too long?

  • Are Subheadings used where possible?

  • Are H1 and H2 being used for Subheadings?

Overview and Topics

  • Is the Overview efficient, stating important keywords?

  • Does it align with the Course Structure?

  • Does it mention what is being tackled inside the Course?

  • Are the topics chosen from the Feature List, correct?

  • Is the ‘intended for’ properly filled up?

  • Is the Reference correct stating the latest instruments / conventions / regulations / rules?

Thumbnail Image

  • Does the Thumbnail represent the Course?

  • Is it similar to other Courses available?

  • Is it clear?

  • Does it fill in the Square properly?

  • Does it work well as a small image? As far as possible, images with words should be avoided.

Headings and Titles

  • Chicago manual of Style title case is recommended, learn more here.

  • Avoid using sequence numbering in titles and headings.

  • Is the title relevant and informative?

  • Is the title too long or too short?

  • Does the Course Title represent the Course?

  • Do the Lesson and Step Titles represent the topics covered?


  • Are the images used of good resolution and quality?

  • Do the images work on all types of devices (ie. recognizable on a mobile device)?

  • Are the images used relevant to the topic being discussed?

  • Are there too many or too few images in one step?

  • Do the images have a caption text?

  • Do the images have a citation/reference where required?

  • Do Tables in the form of images, have big sized text and are easy to scan?


  • Are the video(s) of good resolution and quality?

  • Are the video(s) relevant to the topic being discussed?

  • Is the video too long? Should it be divided into smaller videos and divided across more steps?

  • Is there an introduction/explanation text in close proximity to each video?

Also remember to read our Quality Characteristics, Exemplary Courses, and our Dos and Don'ts, resourses to assist you in ensuring your Course lives up to our standards and quality.

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