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Dos and Don'ts
Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over 12 months ago

Choose Relevant Thumbnail Imagery

Choose your course thumbnail wisely, as this is your most important visual element and the first thing that student sees when browsing through Seably. The thumbnail should be representing your entire course and content.

Do: Choose a thumbnail that represents the course and its content and audience relevant to the course audience.

Don't: Use a thumbnail that's only relevant to your brand or certain relevant areas of the course. The thumbnail should represent everything the course covers.

Use a Fall Out Photo or Illustration as Thumbnail

Always use thumbnail imagery that covers the entire thumbnail.

Do: Use a fall out photo or illustration as a thumbnail asset.

Don't: Use graphical elements with too many white areas or don't cover all of the thumbnail assets.

Work on Your Course Description

The course introduction and description is the text on your course "overview "tab. Take time to write a good summary of your course, as this helps the student understand what to expect from and why he or she should take the time to enroll.

Do: Start with a compelling summary. Include the unique keywords that describe the course and its content. Write why the course exists. Write what the student can expect to participate in. And always write like a human.

Don't: Don't' be short or unwelcoming. Don't include the lesson plan (this is what the lesson tab is for). Don't write who it's intended for if it's based on any reference, or in which language it's in (you have separate fields for this).

Set Context With Lesson Titles

Use the titles to set an understandable context.

Do: Use the lesson name to set the context: "How to Comply With the ISPS Code".

Don't: Naming your lesson in only abstract or technical terms: "The ISPS Code".

Always Write Introduction to Video Steps

Present the video with an introduction text. Use the text to describe the content and highlight the important parts.

Do: Write an introduction text that presents the video.

Don't: Leave the mandatory text block empty.

Use Feedback on Your Quiz Questions

Add question feedback to your questions; this dramatically enhances the student's ability to understand.

Do: Write question feedback on why the student's answer was true or false. You can use the same formulation for both, or write separate answer feedback for true or false.

Don't: Leave the answer feedback empty.

Also remember to read our Quality Characteristics, Exemplary Courses, and our Quality Checklist, resourses to assist you in ensuring your Course lives up to our standards and quality.

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