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How do Admin Roles work?
How do Admin Roles work?
Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over 12 months ago

Seably allows customizing the Admin roles and permissions from the "Settings > Admin Roles" section.

By default, the Business account has the following 3 Admin roles:

  1. Owner

  2. Admin

  3. Manager


  • "Owner" and "Admin" has full access to the account, which includes edit and invite employees, create new courses, setup assignments, view statistics, edit billing information, etc.

  • "Manager" has equal access, except to the "Settings" section of the account.

The "Settings > Admin Roles" section allows you to do the following

  • Edit the permissions of the default roles mentioned above

  • Add new Admin roles with customized permissions of the account

Are you wondering how to promote a user to an Admin? Learn more here.

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