Do you need to remove your information from Seably? No need to worry; with just a few clicks we can process the deletion.
Please note that submitting a request to delete your account on Seably will result in the removal of all your results, certificates, and associated personal data. This information cannot be restored in the future.
Web Browser
Go to your Profile and Account
Scroll down to find Manage Account
Click on Delete My Account
The system will confirm the deletion of your account you can click on Continue
Seably will authenticate the request by inputting your login credentials and then clicking on "Confirm Deletion"
Mobile App
Go to "ME"
In the Account and Settings, go to your Profile and Account
Scroll down to find Manage Account
Click on Delete My Account
The system will confirm the deletion of your account you can click on Delete
Seably will authenticate the request by inputting your login credentials and then clicking on "Confirm Deletion"
Once submitted, the request will be processed by our team within 24 hours after submission every Monday β Friday.